
时间:2023-12-13 09:01:10编辑:影视君






1995年清华大学物理系获学士学位。2001年在麻省理工学院师从Prof. Birgeneau 获得物理学博士学位。博士毕业后在美国阿贡国家实验室从事博士后和助理研究员研究。2009年9月被上海交通大学物理系聘为研究员。 近年来主要从事同步辐射医学影像和软物质物理研究。


Structural Critical Scattering study of Mg-Doped CuGeO3Y.J.Wang, V.Kiryukhin, R.J.Birgeneau, T.Masuda, I.Tsukada and K. Uchinokura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1676 (1999).Reentrant Spin-Peierls Transition in Mg-Doped CuGeO3V. Kiryukhin, Y.J.Wang, S.C. LaMarra, R.J.Birgeneau, T.Masuda, I.Tsukada, K.Uchinokura, Phys. Rev. B 61, 9527 (2000).Hard X-ray Quantitative Phase Contrast Imaging of Air Assisted Water SprayY.J. Wang, K. Fezzaa, J. Wang, K-S Im, W.K. Lee, K. Fezzaa, W.K. Lee, and J. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 151913 (2006).A Sagittally Focusing Double-Multilayer Monochromator for Ultrafast X-ray Imaging ApplicationsY.J. Wang, S. Narayanan, D.M. Shu, A. Mashayekhi, J. Qian, J.Y. Liu, and J. Wang, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 14, 138 (2007).Ultrafast Synchrotron X-ray Imaging of High-Speed Liquid Jet BreakupY.J. Wang, X. Liu, K.-S. Im, W.-K. Lee, J. Wang, F. Kamel, L.S. Hung, J.R. Winkelman, Nature Physics 4, 306 (2008).Similarity between primary and secondary liquid jet breakup mechanismY.J. Wang, K.-S. Im, K. Fezzaa, Phys. Rev. Lett 100, 154502 (2008).Ultrafast X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging of the Droplets Coalescence ProcessK. Fezzaa, Y.J. Wang*,Phys. Rev. Lett 100, 104501 (2008).X-ray microtomography study of compaction process of rods under tapping, Y. Fu, Y. Xi, Y.X. Cao, Y.J. Wang*, Phys. Rev. E 85, 051311 (2012).X-ray grating interferometer for biological imaging applications at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility Y. Xi, B.Q. Kou, S.H. Sun, J.C. Qi, J.Q. Sun, J. Mohr, M. Borner, J. Zhao, L.X. Xu, T.Q. Xiao, Y.J. Wang*, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19, 821 (2012).A dynamic synchrotron X-ray imaging study of the effective temperature in a vibrated granular medium, Y.X. Cao, X.D. Zhang, B.Q. Kou, X.T. Li, X.H. Xiao, K. Fezzaa,?Y.J. Wang*, Soft Matter 10,5398 (2014).X-ray tomography study of the random packing structure of ellipsoids, C.J. Xia, K. Zhu, Y.X. Cao, H.H. Sun, B.Q. Kou, Y.J. Wang*, Soft Matter 10, 990 (2014).Similarity of wet granular packings to gels, J.D. Li, Y.X. Cao, C.J. Xia, B.Q. Kou, X.H. Xiao, K. Fezzaa, Y.J. Wang*, Nature Communications 5, 5014 (2014).Grating-based phase-contrast imaging of tumor angiogenesis in lung metastasis, H.M. Lin, B.Q. Kou, X.T. Li, Y. J. Wang*, B. Ding, C. Shi, H.H. Liu, R.B. Tang, J.Q. Sun, F.H. Yan, H. Zhang*, Plos One 10, e0121438 (2015).In-line phase-contrast and grating-based phase contrast synchrotron imaging study of brain micrometastasis of breast cancer, S. Huang, B.Q. Kou, Y.Y. Chi, Y. Xi, Y.X. Cao, W.L. Cui, X. Hu, Z.M. ZHao, H. Guo, Y.N. Fu, T.Q. Xiao, J.Q. Sun, J. Zhao, Y.J. Wang*, J. Wu*, Scientific Reports 5, 9418 (2015).The structural origin of the hard-sphere glass transition in granular packing, C.J. Xia, J.D. Li, Y.X. Cao, B.Q. Kou, X.H. Xiao, K. Fezzaa, T.Q. Xiao, Y.J. Wang*, Nature Communications 6, 8409 (2015).?

