1989.9-1994.6浙江医科大学临床医学系 获医学学士学位
1994.9-2000.6 免试攻读浙江(医科)大学肿瘤研究所研究生,获肿瘤学硕士、博士学位
1999.12-2002.2 第二军医大学免疫学研究所 合作研究
2005.12-2007.1美国杜克大学医学中心 Research Associate
2008.3- 浙江大学免疫学研究所 副所长
2008.12-2009.3美国耶鲁大学医学院 Visiting Professor
主要从事肿瘤免疫和天然免疫的研究,作为负责人承担了国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划,首席科学家)、国家自然科学基金等多项国家和省部级项目。近年来共发表学术论文80余篇,包括在SCI收录的国际期刊发表50余篇,其中以通讯/共同通讯作者在Nat Immunol, Nat Commun,J Immunol, OncoImmunology, J Biol Chem,Chem Commun,Gene Ther等发表20余篇,以合作者身份在Cell,Nat Immunol,Immunity等发表论文,成果获浙江省科技进步二等奖2项,并申报7项国家发明专利(第一发明人3项获授权)。入选“科技部中青年科技创新领军人才”、“教育部新世纪优秀人才计划”、浙江省“151”人才工程、浙江省卫生高层次创新人才,曾获第七届浙江省青年科技奖、中国免疫学会青年学者奖等荣誉。
研究项目 作为负责人正在承担的国家级科研项目项目名称项目来源起止年月肿瘤诱导的CD11bGr-1髓系抑制性细胞的表观遗传学调控机制研究国家自然科学基金2011.1-2013.12抗原提呈细胞分化发育功能调控及参与炎症性自身免疫性疾病的表观遗传机制研究国家自然科学基金(重点项目)2013.1-2017.12所发文章1. Huang H, Yu H, Tang G, Wang Q, Li J. Low molecular weight polyethylenimine cross-linked by 2-hydroxypropyl-gamma-cyclodextrin coupled to peptide targeting HER2 as a gene delivery vector. Biomaterials. 2010; 31(7):1830-8
2. Ma S, Yang Y, Wang C, Hui N, Gu L, Zhong H, Cai Z, Wang Q, Zhang Q, Li N, Cao X. Endogenous Human CaMKII Inhibitory Protein Suppresses Tumor Growth by Inducing Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis through Down-regulation of the phosphatidylinositide 3-Kinase/Akt/HDM2 Pathway. J Biol Chem. 2009; 284(37):24773-82
3. Hong XJ, Liu Y, Hu G, Zhao D, Shen J, Shen FP, Cao X, Wang Q*. EBAG9 inducing hyporesponsiveness of T cells promotes tumor growth and metastasis in 4T1 murine mammary carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2009; 100(5): 961-9 (*corresponding author)
4. Wang QQ, Li H, Oliver T, Glogauer M, Guo J, He YW. Integrin β1 regulates phagosome maturation in macrophages through Rac expression. J Immunol. 2008; 180 (4): 2419-2428
5. Li D, Kong Y, Yu H, Lehtinen A, Huang H, Shen F, Min L, Zhou J, Tang G*, Wang Q*. The construction of a novel kind of non-viral gene delivery vector based on protein as core backbone. Vox Sang. 2008; 94 (3): 234-41 (*corresponding author)
6. Huang HL, Yu H, Li D, Liu Y, Shen F, Zhou J, Wang QQ*, Tang GP*. A Novel Co-polymer Based on Hydroxypropyl α-Cyclodextrin Conjugated to Low Molecular Weight Polyethylenimine as an in Vitro Gene Delivery Vector. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2008;9(11): 2278-2289
7. Wang Q, Li N, Wang X, Shen J, Hong X, Yu H, Zhang Y, Wan T, Zhang L, Wang J, Cao X. Membrane protein hMYADM preferentially expressed in myeloid cells is up-regulated during differentiation of stem cells and myeloid leukemia cells. Life Sci. 2007;80(5):420-9
8. Li D, Tang G, Li JZ, Kong Y, Huang HL, Min LJ, Zhou J, Shen FP, Wang Q*, Yu H. Dual-targeting non-viral vector based on polyethylenimine improves gene transfer efficiency. J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn. 2007; 18 (5): 545u2013560 (*corresponding author)
9. Li D, Yu H, Huang H, Shen F, Wu X, Li J, Wang J, Cao X, Wang Q*, Tang G. FGF Receptor-mediated Gene Delivery using Ligands Coupled to Polyethylenimine. J Biomater Appl. 2007;22(2):163-80(*corresponding author)
10.Zhang J*, Wang Q*, Zhao D, Cao X. Induction of potent anti-tumor immunity by direct injection of Ad-LIGHT at the site of tumor inoculation. Cytotherapy. 2007; 9(4):386-96(corresponding author)
11.Huang H, Tang G, Wang Q*, Li D, Shen F, Zhou J, Yu H. Two novel non-viral gene delivery vectors: low molecular weight polyethylenimine cross-linked by (2-hydroxypropyl)- beta-cyclodextrin or (2-hydroxypropyl)-gamma-cyclodextrin. Chem Commun (Camb). 2006; 22:2382-4(*corresponding author)
12. Yi P, Yu H, Ma W, Wang Q, Minev BR. Preparation of murine B7.1-glycosylphosphatidylinositol and transmembrane-anchored staphylococcal enterotoxin. A dual-anchored tumor cell vaccine and its antitumor effect. Cancer. 2005; 103(7):1519-28
专业教材参编《支气管哮喘的基础与临床》人民卫生出版社 2006年9月
编委《药用高分子材料》人民卫生出版社 2009年7月专著和教材