教育经历华南理工大学工商管理学院, 广州
博士 Ph.D. 2011
东北大学信息学院, 沈阳
硕士 Master 2002
辽宁工业大学自动化系, 锦州
学士 Bachelor 1996
2002.4u2013现在, 华南理工大学工商管理学院,讲师
1996.7u20131999.9, 辽宁工业大学,助教
主授课程(Courses Offered)营销学原理, 营销渠道, 数据库营销, 营销渠道与物流管理, 零售学, 消费者行为学, 电子商务, 专业英语等
研究领域(Field of Research)市场导向, 协同能力, 营销渠道, 物流与供应链管理(3PL), 零售等
[1] "物流协同能力的作用机理及其模型构建研究{C}",国家社会科学基金项目, 主持人, 2012.6-2015.5.
[2] "基于市场导向理论的企业人才需求与大学教学目标差距模型实证研究", 广东省教育科研"十一五"规划项目, 主持人, 2012.8-2014.12.
[3] "物流协同能力对企业市场导向与绩效关系的中介效应实证研究", 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 主持人, 2014.1-2015.12.
[4] "基于物流外包的企业运作协同能力对市场导向-绩效的影响研究", 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 主持人, 2012.1-2013.12.
[5] "教学和就业质量差距综合模型的实证研究", 华南理工大学教学研究项目, 主持人,2010.11-2013.10.
[6] "广东地区企业对管理类职位的需求调查", 华南理工大学SRP项目, 主持人, 2011.5-2012.5.
[1] “基于多种知识网络集成的组织知识系统超网络模型研究”, 国家自然科学基金项目, 主要参与人,
[2] “基于超网络的知识网络集成方法及核心技术研究”,中央高校基本科研业务费自主选题项目,
主要参与人, 2010.1-2011.12;
[3] “基于多层次协同的复杂产品系统创新方法", 中央高校基本科研业务费自主选题项目,
[4] “零售企业扩张效率决定机制研究",广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目, 主要参与人,
[5] ”广东交通集团技术中心创新体系及运作机制研究”, 省部级项目, 主要参与人,
[6] ”产业集群及技术支撑体系", 省重点科技计划子项目, 主要参与人, 2004.1-2004.12.
[7] "广东省技术创新评估中心建设与运行", 省部级项目, 主要参与人, 2002.9-2003.8.
[1] 《零售学》(参编), 主编: 沙振权, 广东高等教育出版社, 2006.6.
[2] 《电子商务概论》(参编), 主编: 吴应良, 华南理工大学出版社, 2003.8.
[1] 王晓玉,崔丽芳,任志强.市场导向与绩效关系中介效应研究综述. 技术经济与管理研
[2] Market Orientation, Operational Synergistic Capability and Performance: 3PLs User
Perspective, IEMI 2012, August, 2012, pp.444-448, EI Indexed (E.I. COMPENDEX No:
[3] 王晓玉. 国外市场导向对企业绩效的直接影响:实证研究综述, 技术经济与管理研
究(核心期刊), 2011.11, pp.46-49.
[4] 王晓玉. 第三方物流的文献评述及研究启示, 企业活力, 2011.3, pp. 92-96.
[5] Wang Xiaoyu, Collaborations and Operational Flexibility on Strategic
Orientations-Performance: 3PLs User Perspective, ICOSCM 2010, July 2010, pp.
189-194, ISSHP Indexed.
[6] Wang Xiaoyu, Zhang Wenmin, Market Orientation, 3PLs Synergies
and Performance, International Conference on Information
Management and Engineering(ICIME 2010), April, 2010, pp.10-14, EI
Indexed (E.I. COMPENDEX No: 20102913086660).
[7] Wang XY(Wang Xiaoyu), Liao JF(Liao Junfeng), Strategic Orientation and
Market Performance: 3PL user perspective, International Conference on
Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010), March 2010, pp. 200-203,
ISSHP Indexed.
[8] Kenneth Kwong, Wang Xiaoyu, John Leung, and Ricky Chan. Reaching a New
Height with 3PLs: An exploratory study of companies in South China. Conference
on Marketing Innovation and Strategic Management of Transition from OEM to
OSM. July 2009 (MMT 2009), pp. 186-192.
[9] Zhenquan Sha, Chengzhi Long, Xiaoyu Wang. An Empirical Study on
Comprehensive Brand Communication Model. The Eighth Wuhan International
Conference on e-business (WHICEB2009), May 2009, pp.629-634, ISTP
[10] Sha Zhen-quan, Wen Fei, Gao Guang-wei, Wang Xiao-yu. Antecedents and
Consequences of Flow Experiences in Virtual Brand Community. International
Conference on e-Business and Information System Security (EBISS 2009), May
2009, pp. 413-417, EI Indexed (E.I. COMPENDEX No: 20094212377018).
[11] Zhaohui Wang, Zhenquan Sha, Guangwei Gao, Fei Wen, Xiaoyu Wang. How to
Improve Brand Identification through Virtual Community: the Role of
Participation and Perceived Usefulness. Proceedings of the 2008 International
Seminar on Business and Information Management (ISBIM 2008). December
2008, pp. 15-18, EI Indexed (E.I. COMPENDEX No: 20094412405995).
[12] Xiaoyu Wang, Zhenquan Sha, Kenneth Kwong, John W. K. Leung. A
theoretical framework of brand image and service quality on third-party logistics
services. Proceedings of the 2008 International Seminar on Future BioMedical
Information Engineering (FBIE 2008). December 2008, pp. 45-47, EI Indexed
(E.I. COMPENDEX No: 20094112365394).
[13] Xiaoyu Wang, Zhenquan. Strategic orientation, operation and performance
of 3PL-based retailers: a theoretical model. Proceedings of the 2008
Management Track within WiCOM: Engineering, Services and Knowledge
Management (WiCOM 2008), October 2008, pp. EI Indexed (E.I. COMPENDEX
No: 20090111834859).
[14] Xiaoyu Wang, Zhenquan Sha, Kenneth Kwong. Effects of brand image and
manufacture-3PL relationship on 3PL satisfaction: a theoretical framework.
Proceedings of the 2008 Management Track within WiCOM: Engineering, Services
and Knowledge Management (WiCOM 2008), October 2008, EI Indexed (E.I.
COMPENDEX No: 20090111834860).
[15] Xiaoyu Wang, Zhenquan Sha. Strategic Orientation, Operation and
Performance of 3PL-based Retailers: Premilary Findings. Proceedings of the 2008
Global Marketing Conference, March 2008.
[16] Xiaoyu Wang, Zhenquan Sha. Competitor Orientation, Operation and
Performance of 3PL-based Retailers: A theoretical Model. Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. June
2007, pp. 46-50, ISTP Indexed.
[17] 唐东平, 王晓玉. 基于数据仓库的医药行业企业信息门户. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学
版, EI检索), 31, 7, 2003.7, 10-14.
奖誉(Honors)[1] 2007年荣获华南理工大学优秀班主任.
[2] 2004年荣获华南理工大学工商管理学院教学优秀奖三等奖.
[3] 1997年荣获辽宁工业大学先进个人.