王田,男,华侨大学教授,Waseda University(早稻田大学)客座研究员。湖南汨罗人,生于1982年2月,汉族,祖籍湖南长沙,香港城市大学(2017-2018QS世界大学排名第49位)计算机科学专业博士,CCF高级会员,CCF 物联网专委会委员,CCF普适计算专委会委员,CCFYOCSEF(厦门)2018-2019主席,福建省“高校杰出青年科研人才”,厦门市“海外高层次留学人员”,泉州市高层次人才。
主要从事物联网、云计算、雾计算等新型网络领域的研究工作,在《IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing》、《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》、《ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks》、《ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems》等高水平刊物和ACM MobiHoc、IEEE RTSS、IEEE MASS、IEEE ICC、IEEE WCNC等知名国际会议上发表论文150余篇,其中SCI检索60余篇,总论文引用次数超过1700次,H指数18,第一(通讯)作者SCI论文总影响因子超过60。获授权发明专利10项,主持国家自然科学基金3项、主持国家自然科学基金子课题2项,主持省级课题4项,参与完成的项目“面向新型网络计算的可信性理论与方法”获得2014年湖南省自然科学二等奖,获得2016福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖。
2008.10 ~2011.10香港城市大学计算机科学专业 博士
导师:贾维嘉教授,副导师:邢国良 副教授
2004.09~2007.04中南大学计算机应用技术专业 硕士
2000.09~2004.06中南大学计算机科学与技术 本科
2017/6 u2013 2018华侨大学,计算机科学与技术学院 网络工程系,教授
2016/1 u2013 2017/5华侨大学计算机科学与技术学院 网络工程系 副教授
2012/2 u20132015/12华侨大学计算机科学与技术学院 网络工程系 讲师
2014/8 u2013 2014/10香港理工大学电子计算学系 Postdoctoral Fellow 合作导师:曹建农教授
2012/8 u2013 2012/10香港城市大学计算机科学系 Research Associate
2006/10 u2013 2008/9香港城市大学计算机科学系 Research Assistant
国家自然科学基金面上项目,61872154,基于雾计算模式的传感云可信数据收集技术,2019/01-2022/12,64万元,在研,课题负责人福建省社会科学基金,网络恶意舆情信息溯源与安全风险评估研究,在研,课题负责人国家自然科学基金面上项目,61772148,基于稀疏观测数据的网络恶意信息溯源与风险评估,2018/01-2021/12,24.4万,在研,子课题负责人。福建省自然科学基金面上项目, 2018J01092, 基于雾计算模式的传感云安全问题研究,2018/01-2020/12,4万元,在研,主持。国家自然科学基金面上项目,61672441,车载网络环境下基于雾计算模式的适应性数据收集技术研究,2017/01-2020/12, 15.75万,在研,子课题负责人。福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目,基于雾计算的传感云安全问题研究,2017/08-2020/07,4万,在研,主持。国家自然科学基金面上项目,61572206,基于移动雾节点的传感云关键技术研究,2016/01-2016/12,18.8万元,已结题,主持。福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2014J01240,运动式视频监控的路径规划,2014/01-2016/12,5万元,已结题,主持。国家自然科学基金青年项目,61202468,基于可移动摄像头的协同式安全监控和目标跟踪,2013/01-2015/12,25万元,已结题,主持发明专利
(1)王田,吴尤可,彭臻. 基于蓝牙的匿名团体投票方法,2016.05.18,中国,ZL201310535624.9 (已授权)
(2)王田,安博阳. 基于蓝牙的名片传输方法,2016.04.13,中国,ZL201310087229.9 (已授权)
王田,吴尤可,彭臻. 基于蓝牙的匿名团体投票方法,2016.05.18,中国,ZL2013105356249王田,安博阳. 基于蓝牙的名片传输方法,2016.04.13,中国,ZL2013100872299王田,许迪文,王成,钟必能,张国亮,蔡奕侨. 一种手机打车的订单自动选择方法, 2018.05.25,中国,ZL201510236530.0王田,苏耕民,钟必能,陈永红,蔡奕侨,田晖,王成. 一种行车跟随方法和系统, 2018.04.17,中国,ZL201510236744.8钟必能,王田,沈映菊,陈雁,谢维波,陈锻生,陈维斌,一种基于高阶偏最小二乘法的目标跟踪算法,2017.05.03,中国,ZL201410279523.4钟必能,陈雁,王田,谢维波,陈锻生,陈维斌,一种基于图像集的目标跟踪算法,2017.05.03,中国,ZL201410251910.7陈永红,王珊,田晖,王田,蔡奕侨,一种基于网络流水印的网络主动追踪方法及系统,2018.05.25,中国,ZL201510386446.7王成,陈维斌,苏芳芳,文诗琪,王田,钟必能,陈叶旺,基于K-medoids项目聚类和局部兴趣融合的用户协同过滤推荐方法,2016.11.09,中国,ZL201510705659.1田晖,吴彦鹏,卢`,黄永峰,陈永红,王田,蔡奕侨,刘进,一种基于比特组合的低速率语音最低有效位隐写检测方法,2018.03.09,中国,ZL201410743434.0陈永红,蒋遥钛┭蓿跎海滦溃镪停王田,蔡奕侨,一种多级负载预测与云资源弹性配置方法与监控配置系统,2018.04.17,中国,ZL201510043131.2学术奖励
(2)王田(1/1),Exploiting Statistical Mobility Models for Efficient WiFi Deployment(基于统计型移动模型的高效WiFi部署),福建省科技厅,十二届(2016)福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖
彭臻(2013级,已毕业),赴美国威廉与玛丽学院攻读博士学位(College of William and Mary,全额奖学金);获得2015年度研究生立林奖学金、2015年度华侨大学研究生二等奖学金、马万祺优秀研究生学术论文奖、华侨大学承志英才优秀硕士学位论文奖,读研期间发表或录用论文12篇,SCI 2区1篇,3区2篇,4区2篇,EI 5篇,授权发明专利1项。
廖景亮(2013,联合指导,已毕业),在读期间荣获研究生国家奖学金、华侨大学三好学生、ACM 编程比赛第一名(研究生组)。发表多篇SCI 3区论文,获福建省优秀硕士学位论文奖、马万祺优秀研究生学术论文奖。
缪海星(2013,联合指导,已毕业) 毕业后任职于福建师范大学闽南科技学院,专任教师,获华侨大学第六届程序设计大赛精英组二等奖,在读期间发表1类论文2篇,2A论文2篇。
王文华(2014,已毕业) :毕业后攻读澳大利亚University of Technology Sydney(悉尼科技大学,与南方科技大学联合培养)博士学位,在校期间获得2014-2015年度研究生学业三等奖学金;2015-2016年研究生一等学业学金;华侨大学承志英才优秀硕士学位论文奖;在读期间录用SCI 3区及4区论文各1篇,第一作者发表《计算机研究与发展》论文,录用ACM TRANS论文1篇。
吴群(2014,已毕业):毕业后任职于厦门亿联网络技术股份有限公司,在校期间获得2014-2015年度研究生立林奖学金;2015-2016年华侨大学研究生三等奖学金;2015年度华侨大学计算机学院三好学生;在读期间发表SCI 3区论文,申请发明专利多项。
曾建电(2015,已毕业):2016-2017年度研究生国家奖学金,2015-2016年华侨大学研究生一等奖学金;发表FGCS(SCI 2区)论文1篇,Computer Networks (SCI 3 区,CCF B类)论文1篇,IEEE ACCESS(SCI 3区)论文1篇,发表《计算机研究与发展》1篇,申请发明专利1项。
李洋(2015,已毕业):2015-2016年度研究生国家奖学金;2016-2017年度校一等学业奖学金;2015-2016年度华侨大学三好学生;发表IEEE TRANS论文2篇,SCI 3区论文1篇,录用《通信学报》论文1篇,申请发明专利1项。
周际援(2016):2016-2017年度校一等学业奖学金;录用IEEETRANS论文1篇,录用SCI 2区论文1篇,录用国际会议论文1篇,录用Book Chapter(CRC Press)一章,申请发明专利1项。
张广学(2016):2016-2017年度校二等学业奖学金;录用SCI 1区论文1篇,录用SCI 2区论文1篇,录用CCF C类国际会议论文1篇,录用CWSN会议论文1篇,录用《通信学报》论文1篇,申请发明专利1项,获得软件著作权2项。
梁玉珠(2017):2017年度华侨大学研究生承志英才优秀新生奖学金;录用DependSys 2017国际会议论文1篇,发表《软件学报》论文1篇。
Tian Wang, Md ZakirulAlam Bhuiyan, Guojun Wang, Arafatur Rahman, Jie Wu, and Jiannong Cao, Big Data Reduction for Smart Cityu2019s Critical Infrastructural Health Monitoring,IEEE Communications Magazine, 2018,56(3):128-133.IF: 9.27,1区Tian Wang, Guangxue Zhang, Anfeng Liu, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Qun Jin, A Secure IoT Service Architecture with an Efficient Balance Dynamics Based on Cloud and Edge Computing,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IF: 5.863,1区,2018Tian Wang, Jiyuan Zhou, Xinlei Chen, Guojun Wang, Anfeng Liu, Yang Liu, A Three-Layer Privacy Preserving Cloud Storage Scheme based on Computational Intelligence in Fog Computing,IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2018,2(1):3-12.Tian Wang, Wenhua Wang, Anfeng Liu, Shaobin Cai, Jiannong Cao, Improve the Localization Dependability for Cyber-Physical Applications,ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2018Tian Wang, Yang Li, Weiwei Fang, Wenzheng Xu, Junbin Liang, Yewang Chen, Xuxun Liu, A Comprehensive Trustworthy Data Collection Approach in Sensor-Cloud Systems,IEEE TransactionsonBigData, doi.org10.1109/TBDATA.2018.2811501Tian Wang, Yang Li, Guojun Wang, Jiannong Cao, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Weijia Jia, Sustainable and Efficient Data Collection from WSNs to Cloud,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2017, PP(99):1-12.Tian Wang, Zhen Peng, Junbin Liang, Sheng Wen, MD Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan*, Yiqiao Cai, Jiannong Cao, Following Targets for Mobile Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks,2016, 12(4):31.1-31.24.IF: 2.313,3区Tian Wang*, Weijia Jia, Guoliang Xing, Minming Li, Exploiting Statistical Mobility Models for Efficient WiFi Deployment,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2013, 62(1):360-373.IF: 4.432,2区Guoliang Xing*, Minming Li,Tian Wang*, Weijia Jia, and Jun Huang, Efficient Rendezvous Algorithms for Mobility-enabled Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2012, 11(1):47-60.IF:4.098,2区Guoliang Xing,Tian Wang, ZhihuiXie, and Weijia Jia, Rendezvous Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2008, 7(12): 1430 - 1443.(导师第一作者)IF: 4.098,2区Tian Wang*, Zhen Peng, Sheng Wen, Yongxuan Lai, Weijia Jia, Yiqiao Cai, Hui Tian, Yonghong Chen, Reliable Wireless Connections for Fast-moving Rail Users Based on a Chained Fog Structure,Information Sciences, 2017, 379:160-176.IF: 4.305,2区,中科院小类1区Tian Wang, Jiyuan Zhou, Minzhe Huang, MD Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Anfeng Liu, Wenzheng Xu, Mande Xie, Fog-based Storage Technology to Fight with Cyber Threat,Future Generation Computer Systems,2018,83:208-218.IF: 4.639,2区Tian Wang, Jiandian Zeng, Yongxuan Lai, Yiqiao Cai, Hui Tian, Yonghong Chen, Baowei Wang, Data Collection from WSNs to the Cloud based on Mobile Fog Elements,Future Generation Computer Systems,doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2017.07.031.IF: 4.639,2区Tian Wang, Guangxue Zhang, MD Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, AnfengLiu, Weijia Jia, Mande Xie,A Novel Trust Mechanism Based on Fog Computing in Sensor-Cloud System,Future Generation Computer Systems,doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.05.049IF: 4.639,2区Tian Wang, Jiandian Zeng, MD Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Yonghong Chen, Yiqiao Cai, Hui Tian, Mande Xie, Energy-efficient Relay Tracking with Multiple Mobile Camera Sensors,Computer Networks,2018,133(4):130-140.CCF B类期刊, IF: 2.522,3区Tian Wang*, Yiqiao Cai, Weijia Jia, Sheng Wen, Guojun Wang,Hui Tian, Yonghong Chen, Bineng Zhong, Maximizing Real-time Streaming Services based on a Multi-Servers Networking Framework,Computer Networks, 2015, 93(1):199-212.CCF B类期刊,IF: 2.522,3区Tian Wang*, Wenhua Wang, Jiannong Cao, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Yongxuan Lai, Yiqiao Cai, Hui Tian, Yonghong Chen, Baowei Wang, Interoperable Localization for Mobile Group Users,Computer Communications, 2017, 105:53-65.IF: 2.613,3区Tian Wang, Yang Li, Yonghong Chen, Hui Tian, Yiqiao Cai, Weijia Jia, Baowei Wang, Fog-Based Evaluation Approach for Trustworthy Communication in Sensor Cloud System,IEEE Communications Letters, 2017, 21(11):2532-2535.IF: 2.723,3区Tian Wang, Jiandian Zeng, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Hui Tian, Yiqiao Cai, Yonghong Chen, Bineng Zhong. Trajectory Privacy Preservation based on a Fog Structure in Cloud Location Services,IEEE Access, 2017, 5(1):7692-7701.IF: 3.557,3区Tian Wang#*, Qun Wu#, Sheng Wen, Yiqiao Cai, Hui Tian, Yonghong Chen, Baowei Wang, Propagation Modeling and Defending of Mobile Sensor Worm in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks,Sensors, 2017, 17(1):139.IF: 2.475,3区Tian Wang, Zhen Peng, Wenzheng Xu, Junbin Liang, Guojun Wang, Hui Tian, Yiqiao Cai, and Yonghong Chen,Cascading Target Tracking Control in Wireless Camera Sensor and Actuator Networks,Asian Journal of Control, 2017, 19(4): 1350-1364.IF: 1.528,3区Tian Wang*, Weijia Jia, Bineng Zhong, Hui Tian, Guoliang Zhang, BlueCat: An Infrastructure-Free System for Relative Mobile Localization,Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 2015, 29(1-4):133-152.IF: 0.753,4区Tian Wang,Wenhua Wang, Yongxuan Lai, Sheng Wen, Hui Tian, Yiqiao Cai, Yonghong Chen, Baowei Wang, The Chaotic Mobile Video Surveillance: Improving the Efficiency and Security,Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 2017,37(1-4):95-115.IF: 0.753,4区Tian Wang*, Weijia Jia, Guojun Wang, Minyi Guo, Jie Li, Hole Avoiding in Advance Routing with Hole Recovery Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks,Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 2012, 16(1-3):191-213.IF: 0.753,4区Tian Wang*, Zhen Peng, Cheng Wang, Yiqiao Cai, Yonghong Chen, Hui Tian, Junbin Liang, and Bineng Zhong, Extracting Target Detection Knowledge Based on Spatio-temporal Information in Wireless Sensor Networks,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2016,12(2):1-11.IF: 1.787,4区王田,李洋,贾维嘉,王国军,彭绍亮. 传感云安全研究进展,通信学报,2018,39(3):35-52.王田,张广学,蔡绍滨,贾维嘉,王国军. 传感云中的信任评价机制研究进展,通信学报,2018,39(6):37-51曾建电,王田*, 贾维嘉,彭绍亮, 王国军. 传感云研究综述.计算机研究与发展, 2017, 54(5), 925-939王文华,王田*,吴群,王国军,贾维嘉,传感网中时延受限的移动式数据收集方法综述,计算机研究与发展, 2017, 54 (3) :474-492.王田,梁玉珠,彭臻,彭绍亮,蔡绍滨,贾维嘉,无线传感器网络中移动目标探测跟踪研究进展,软件学报,2017,28(s1):115-128.彭臻,王田*, 王文华,王国军, 赖永炫, 贾维嘉. 传感网中目标的移动式定位跟踪研究综述.中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 48(3):701-711.王田*,吴群,文晟,蔡奕侨,田晖,陈永红,无线传感网中移动式蠕虫的抑制与清理,电子与信息学报,2016, 38(9):2202-2207.王田*, 缪海星,蒋文贤,张国亮,蔡奕侨, 基于混沌路径的移动式安全监控方法,中南大学学报, 2016, 47(12):4115-4120.王田,缪海星,蒋文贤,赖永炫*,王国军,贾维嘉,无线传感器网络中移动式连通研究综述,小型微型计算机系统,2017, 38(1):56-61.彭臻,王田*,梁俊斌,赖永炫,王国军,贾维嘉.异构无线传感器网络中移动式目标跟踪研究进展,小型微型计算机系统,2017,38(02):193-199.蒋文贤, 缪海星,王田*,赖永炫, 王国军, 贾维嘉,无线传感器网络中移动式覆盖控制研究综述,小型微型计算机系统, 2017,38(3), 417-424.蒋文贤,缪海星,王田*,王成,赖永炫,梁俊斌,时延受限的无线传感网中移动式能量补充,西南交通大学学报,2018,52(6):1216-1223.Changli Zhou,Tian Wang*, Hui Tian, Wenxian Jiang, Continuous K Nearest Neighbor Query Scheme with Privacy and Security Guarantees in Road Networks, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2018), (CCF Rank C)Guangxue Zhang,Tian Wang*, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Guojun Wang, A Fog-based Hierarchical Trust Mechanism for Sensor-Cloud Underlying Structure, the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA 2017), Guangzhou, China, December 12-15, 2017 (CCF Rank C).Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Guojun Wang, Jie Wu, Jiannong Cao, Xuefeng Liu, andTian Wang, Dependable Structural Health Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2017, 14(4): 363-376.ESI高被引论文Jiawei Tang, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao, andTian Wang, An Aggregate Signature Based Trust Routing for Data Gathering in Sensor Networks,Security and Communication Networks, 2018,DOI:10.1155/2018/6328504. ESI高被引论文Mingfeng Huang, Anfeng Liu,Tian Wang, and Changqin Huang, Green Data Gathering under Delay Differentiated Services Constraint for Internet of Things,Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 2018,DOI: 10.1155/2018/9715428. ESI高被引论文Fulong Ma, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao, Changqin Huang, andTian Wang, A Time and Location Correlation Incentive Scheme for Deep Data Gathering in Crowdsourcing Networks,Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 2018,DOI: 10.1155/2018/8052620. ESI高被引论文Yingying Ren, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao, Changqin Huang, andTian Wang, Quality Utilization Aware Based Data Gathering for Vehicular Communication Networks,Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 2018,DOI: 10.1155/2018/6353714. ESI高被引论文Haojun Teng, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Hailan Shen, Changqin Huang, andTian Wang, Adaptive Transmission Power Control for Reliable Data Forwarding in Sensor Based Networks,Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 2018,DOI: 10.1155/2018/2068375. ESI高被引论文Jiachen Xu, Xiao Liu, Ming Ma, Anfeng Liu,Tian Wang, and Changqin Huang, Intelligent Aggregation Based on Content Routing Scheme for Cloud Computing,Symmetry-Basel, 2017, 9(10): 221. ESI高被引论文Hui Tian, Zhaoyi Chen, Chin-Chen Chang, Yongfeng Huang,Tian Wang*, Zheng-an Huang, Yiqiao Cai, Yonghong Chen, Public Audit for Operation Behavior Logs with Error Locating in Cloud Storage,Soft Computing,IF: 2.472, 3区, 2018.Hui Tian*, Jun Sun, Yongfeng Huang,Tian Wang*, Yonghong Chen, and Yiqiao Cai, Detecting Steganography of Adaptive Multirate Speech with Unknown Embedding Rate,Mobile Information Systems, 2017,https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/5418978.IF: 0.849,4区学术兼职
Associate Editor:
International Journal of Computers and Applications(Taylor & Francis)
Guest Editors:
Sensors-Special Issue on Fog Computing for Sensor and Cloud System(SCI 3区期刊,2018-2019)Cluster Computing-Special Issue on Security and Privacy in Sensor Cloud Integration(SCI 3区期刊,2017-2018)Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE)- Special Issue on Security and Privacy Issues in Fog Computing (SCI期刊,2017-2018)International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) - Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security and Privacy for Big Data (EI期刊,2017-2018)Editorial Board Members
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN)(EI期刊,since 2016)
CCF 物联网专委会委员;
CCF 普适计算专委会委员;
CCF YOCSEF 厦门分论坛主席;
General Chair:
The 3rd International Symposium on Sensor-Cloud Systems (SCS 2017)
The 4th International Symposium on Sensor-Cloud Systems (SCS 2018)
Program Co-Chair:
The 15th IEEE Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2018, CCF C类会议)
Publicity Chair:
The Second International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2016)
Track Co-Chair:
Session Chair:
SpaCCS 2016, CWSN 2017, APSCC 2017
Organization Committee Members:
10th International Conference on Service Science (ICSS) 2017
TPC Member for Conferences:
IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications 2008~2009 (WiMob)
2014 The 9th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing(3PGCIC 2014)
2014 Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC2014)
2015 HPCC 2015 (The 17th IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications)
2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’15)
2015 The 10th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2015)
The First International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2015)
The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015)
The Australiasian Computer Science Week Conference 2017
The international conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) 2016
The Second International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2016)
The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD 2017)
The 13rdInternational Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2018)
The 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI 2018)
Reviewers for:
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics(TII)
IEEE Communications Magazine
IEEE Access
Computer Networks
Soft Computing
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing