
时间:2024-02-05 00:57:38编辑:影视君


汪凯巍,男,1979年11月生于河南省兰考县,浙江大学光电信息工程学系副教授。2009年2月至今,浙江大学光电系,光学工程研究所 教授,博士生导师。




二. 承担及参与教学项目

1. 《光电应用实验》课程建设, 排名1/5, 2012光电系教改项目

2. “教学模式和评价模式转变的改革与实践”,2012浙江大学本科教学方法改革研究重点项目,排名3/6

3. 体现综合素质培养的多元化教学与考核方式改革 ,排名2/6,2013浙江大学教改项目

4. 制订客观合理的“学评教” 和“教学评估”评价指标和实施办法,排名1/4,2014光电系教改项目


1. 浙江省高校第八届青年教师教学技能竞赛,特等奖

2. 2013年,浙江大学青年教师教学技能竞赛,一等奖

1.“三结合、四平台”的光电专业人才 综合实践能力培养探索与实践,浙江省教学成果奖浙江省第七届高等教育教学成果一等奖(排名8/10)

2. 光电系专业课程群“三个转变”教学方法改革实践与成效,浙江大学校级教学成果一等奖(排名3/8)。






















[1]. H. Chen, *K. Wang, W. Hu, L. Fei (2018). SORB: improving ORB feature matching using semantic segmentation. Accepted by SPIE Security + Defence, Berlin (Germany), September 2018

[2]. Z. Huang, *K. Wang, K. Yang, R. Cheng, J. Bai (2018) Glass detection and recognition based on the fusion of ultrasonic sensor and RGB-D sensor for the visually impaired. Accepted by SPIE Security + Defence, Berlin (Germany), September 2018

[3]. L. Fei, *K. Wang, H. Chen, S. Lin (2018). Optical character detection and recognition for visually impaired people in certain scenarios. Accepted by SPIE Security + Defence, Berlin (Germany), September 2018

[4]. W. Hu, *K. Wang, H. Chen (2018). A robust localization approach in relatively fixed environment using multisensor fusion. Accepted by SPIE Security + Defence, Berlin (Germany), September 2018

[5]. K. Yang, *K. Wang, L. M. Bergasa, E. Romera, W. Hu, D. Sun, J. Sun, R. Cheng, T. Chen, E. López. Unifying Terrain Awareness for the Visually Impaired through Real-Time Semantic Segmentation. Sensors. 2018 Apr 18; 18(5):1506. Belongs to the Special Issue Wearable Smart Devices.

[6]. H. Chen, *K. Wang, K. Yang (2018). Improving RealSense by Fusing Color Stereo Vision and Infrared Stereo Vision for the Visually Impaired. Accepted by 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Image Processing (ICFIP), Bacelona (Spain), March 2018

[7]. S. Lin, *K. Wang, K. Yang, R. Cheng (2018). KrNet: Kinetic Real-time Convolutional Neural Network for Navigational Assistance. Accepted by 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), Linz (Austria), July 2018.

[8]. R. Cheng, *K. Wang, S. Lin (2018). Intersection Navigation for People with Visual Impairment. Accepted by 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), Linz (Austria), July 2018.

[9]. R. Cheng, *K. Wang, L. Lin, K. Yang (2018). Visual Localization of Key Positions for Visual Impaired People. Accepted by 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Beijing (China), August 2018.

[10]. N. Long, *K. Wang, R. Cheng, K. Yang and J. Bai. (2018). Millimeter wave Radar and RGB-Depth sensors for the visually impaired. Accepted by SPIE Security + Defence, Berlin (Germany), September 2018.

[11]. J. Wang, K. Yang, W. Hu, *K. Wang (2018). An environmental perception and navigational assistance system for visually impaired persons based on semantic stixels and sound interaction. Submitted to IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki (Japan), October 2018.

[12]. R Cheng , * K Wang , K Yang , N Long , J Bai (2017). Real-time pedestrian crossing lights detection algorithm for the visually impaired. Multimedia Tools & Applications , 2017 (10) :1-21

[13]. Yang, K., *Wang, K., Zhao, X., Cheng, R., Bai, J., Yang, Y., & Liu, D. (2017). IR stereo RealSense: Decreasing minimum range of navigational assistance for visually impaired individuals. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 9(6), 743-755.

[14]. Ruiqi Cheng, *Kaiwei Wang, Kailun Yang, Ningbo Long, Weijian Hu, Hao Chen, Jian Bai, Dong Liu (2017). Crosswalk navigation for people with visual impairments on a wearable device. J. Electron. Imaging 26(5), 053025 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.26.5.053025.

[15]. Yang, K., *Wang, K., Cheng, R., Hu, W., Huang, X., & Bai, J. (2017). Detecting Traversable Area and Water Hazards for the Visually Impaired with a pRGB-D Sensor. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 17(8).

[16]. Huang, X., Luo, Y., Bai, J., Cheng, R., He, * K., Wang, K., Liu, Q., Luo, Y., Du, J. (2017). Polarimetric target depth sensing in ambient illumination based on polarization-coded structured light. Applied Optics,56(27), 7741-7748.

[17]. Lu, Q., Bai, J., *Wang, K., Jiao, X., Han, D., & Chen, P., et al. (2017). Determination of thermally induced effects and design guidelines of optomechanical accelerometers. Measurement Science & Technology.

[18]. Xiao Huang,Jian Bai, *Kaiwei Wang,Qun liu,Yujie Luo & Kailun Yang.(2017). Target enhanced 3d reconstruction based on polarization-coded structured light. Optics Express, 25(2), 1173.

[19]. Kailun Yang, *Kaiwei Wang, Weijian Hu&Jian Bai. (2016). Expanding the Detection of Traversable Area with RealSense for the Visually Impaired. [J].Sensors, 2016, 16(11): 1954.

[20]. Xiangdong Zhao, *Kaiwei Wang,Kailun Yang&Weijian Hu.(2016). Unconstrained face detection and recognition based on RGB-D camera for the visually impaired. Proc. SPIE 10225, Eighth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2016), 1022509.

[21]. Ruiqi Cheng, *Kaiwei Wang, Kailun Yang & Xiangdong Zhao. (2015). A ground and obstacle detection algorithm for the visually impaired. Iet International Conference on Biomedical Image and Signal Processing. IET.

[22]. Kailun Yang, *Kaiwei Wang, Ruiqi Cheng & Xunmin Zhu. (2015). A new approach of point cloud processing and scene segmentation for guiding the visually impaired. Iet International Conference on Biomedical Image and Signal Processing. IET.

[23]. Yang S., Jiang X., Maxwell G. and Wang K., An integrated optical coupler used in a fibre interferometry system for on-line surface measurements. Optics Communications, 281 (5). pp. 1099-1107. ISSN 0030-4018

[24]. Wang K., Martin H. and Jiang X., Actively stabilized optical fiber interferometry technique for online/in-process surface measurement. Review of scientific instruments, 79 (2). ISSN 0034-6748

[25]. Martin H., Wang K. and Jiang X., Vibration compensating beam scanning interferometer for surface measurement. Applied Optics, 47 (7). pp. 888-893. ISSN 0003-6935

[26]. Jiang X., Wang K., Martin H. Near common-path optical fibre interferometer for potentially fast real-time micro/nano scale surface measurement, Optics Letters, 31 (24): 3603-3605

[27]. Wang K., Zeng L., Two-dimensional surface-profile imaging technique based on double-grating frequency shifter. Appl. Opt., 2005, 44(22): 4625-4630

[28]. Wang K., Zeng L., Heterodyne Fourier transform spectroscopy based on double-grating frequency shifter. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2005, 76(6), Art. No. 063108

[29]. Wang, K., Zeng L., Double-grating frequency shifter for low-coherence heterodyne interferometry, Opt. Commun., 2005, 251(1-3):1-5

[30]. Wang K., Cai Z., Zeng L., A two-Dimensional surface-profile imaging technique based on heterodyne interferometer. Key Engineering Materials. 2005, 295-296: 477-482

[31]. Zeng L., Wang K., Invention patent, Achromatic Frequency Shifter for Broadband Light Source. Patent number: 03104769.6, 2005

[32]. Wang K., Zeng L, Yin C., Influence of the incident wave-front on intensity distribution of the nondiffracting beam used in large-scale measurement. Opt. Commun. 2003, 216: 99-103

[33]. Wang K., Jiang X., Martin H., Blunt L., Light-beam scanning interferometry for on-line ultra precision surface measurement, Light-beam scanning interferometry for on-line ultra precision surface measurement, Proceedings of the 7th euspen International Conference, 2007, Vol.1, pp302-305

[34]. Jiang X. Wang K., Actively stabilised optical device for potential on-line assessment of surfaces in ultra precision manufacturing, accepted by 11th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces.Cardiff, Wales, 25th - 28th June2007

